Return to curling webinars
July 23, 2020

Curl BC has organised a number of different webinars to assist clubs in the process of returning to curling.
The latest one – Our Return to Curling Town Hall – aimed at curling club operational staff and key volunteers, has now been uploaded to YouTube. The presentation covers some of the more frequently asked questions relating to the Return to Curling guidelines published on July 7. The topics covered include phases, occupancy limits, game modifications, bonspiels, masks, health declarations/self assessments and more.
An FAQ with answers to all questions will be posted to the Documents and Forms for Covid-19 Page early next week.
Return to Curling Town Hall Webinar
Here are some of the other webinars Curl BC and our partners have hosted:
Lounge Logistics with Able BC – June 25th
Curling Canada webinar on funding for Canadian Curling Clubs (covers Emergency Wage Subsidy and the Canada Emergency Bank Account) – June 4th
Refrigeration Energy Savings – Curl BC – May 6th
Running a Successful Learn to Curl Program – Curl BC – April 29th
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