Guidelines released

Curl BC’s Return to Curling Guidelines are now ready.
The guidelines were produced in response to the Government of British Columbia’s request for viaSport to develop Return to Sport Guidelines to support and guide the provincial amateur sport sector in BC to return to organized sport activities and participation. In turn, viaSport tasked Curl BC to develop its sport-specific return to sport plan to help our curling clubs navigate the new challenges of Covid-19.
The Return to Curling Guidelines cover three things:
- processes to open
- measures to avoid further outbreaks
- and a plan in the event that a case or an outbreak should occur.
The Return to Curling Guidelines have been reviewed and approved by Curl BC’s elected Board of Governors. Members of Curl BC are required to follow and implement the Curling Guidelines. We recommend that curling clubs, as best practice, incorporate relevant portions from the Curling Guidelines into a Covid-19 Safety Plan (which is a required document by WorkSafeBC to re-open). Insurance companies may also require that curling clubs implement provincial guidelines to meet any of their requirements for coverage.
Download Curl BC’s Return to Curling Guidelines (PDF).
Note: Sport in BC is currently in Phase 2 Transition Measures (see guidelines for details). When that changes we will update you.
While we hope that this guide will answer many of your questions, we recognize that the process is new to everyone and many clubs will still have questions and require clarification. That is why we are always available to answer questions. We are also planning to run a Town-Hall-style Q&A webinar on Wednesday, July 22. Stay tuned for registration details.
Curl BC’s fantastic working groups continue to work on resources. This includes facility mapping and best practices for implementing “engineered controls” like plexiglass barriers. We have created a Documents & Forms for Covid-19 page where these resources specific to your reopening plan will be uploaded.
The Curl BC guidelines have been created to comply with provincial health orders, health and safety regulations and align with recommendations from provincial authorities. Implementing the Curl BC guidelines will ensure you are compliant with both Provincial Health Officer orders and WorkSafeBC rules. Curling Canada has also produced a Return to Curling document that aligns with Curl BC’s but is more general and does not necessarily include BC specific information. Click here for the Curling Canada guide.
Anyone with any questions should contact Kim Dennis at, Melissa Sim at or Rebecca Connop Price at