Sweeping changes

Curl BC has updated its guidelines to include some new rules for sweepers.
The previous version of the guidelines stated that only three people should be involved in a shot.
The new version allows teams to get all four players involved in a shot, as long as there is only one sweeper at a time. It also allows the skip to do a little sweeping (if he or she wants!).
This means teams can now:
- Have their secondary sweeper take over after the rock passes the hogline
- Have the active sweeper OR skip/vice-skip sweep after the teeline
- You still cannot sweep opposition rocks
- Teams must still maintain physical distancing
Rebecca Connop Price, Communications and Marketing Manager for Curl BC, said: “With most clubs opening up we have been able to see the guidelines in action and have seen where adjustments could be made without compromising safety.
“Having said that, it is vital that all of the safety procedures such as mask-wearing in common areas, good hygiene, and physical distancing remain at the heart of what we do.”
Masks are recommended, but not required in the ice shed.
These new rules are in place for both club curling and competitive curling.
Click here to see an infographic about the rules.