Help us make a difference!

There are only a few weeks left for individuals to apply to be candidates for the Curl BC Board.
The Curl BC Board is inviting individuals to apply for two Governors-at-Large positions on the 10-person board. The membership will elect the candidates at the Curl BC AGM, which is tentatively scheduled for June 13. The meeting will happen via web conference and the details will be released as soon as they are finalised.
The elected candidates will sit on the board for two years.
Chair Peter Muir said: “We would like to see applications from anyone who is willing to help Curl BC ensure that curling is an integral part of the lifestyle, culture and heritage of British Columbia.”
Links to an overview of Curl BC and the role of the Board and its Governors is included below. Also included is a schedule and activities to provide you with the time expectation for a Governor and a framework to help guide you through the steps of the election process.
If you think you can make a different and want to pursue this volunteer opportunity, please contact Peter Muir at Bids should be submitted to Peter by April 24, 2020, to be considered by the board.
Anyone who wants to run for a Governor-at-Large position after that deadline can still do that. After the April 24 deadline the nomination must be supported by three curling centres. Such nominations must be accompanied by the written consent of the nominee(s) and delivered to Peter Muir at least 30 days prior to the AGM (May 14).
Board Governance for Board Governors (PDF)