Youth events cancelled

Curl BC has made the difficult decision to cancel the 2021 U18 and 2021 U21 BC curling championships.
It was previously planned that Curl BC’s two highest-profile 2021 youth events would take place in the spring. The top U18 teams were due to meet in Chilliwack with the U21 teams slotted for Kelowna. The national events had already been cancelled by Curling Canada.
However, due to the Provincial Health Officer restrictions on group sport as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, many curling clubs have decided to close their doors for the season.
Scott Braley, Curl BC CEO, said: “The latest extension of the restrictions has seen a surge in clubs deciding to shut for the remainder of the 2020-21 season.
“There are still many unknowns about the length of the season for those clubs that remain open, so we decided it was not practical to press ahead with plans for spring championships.
“We understand this will be a huge disappointment. However, we also know that it is the best way to keep everyone safe and give more flexibility to host clubs who may need to close at short notice.”
Curl BC would like to thank the clubs who were planning to host these events for their support.
We would also like to thank all the teams who registered to take part. We hope to see you out on the ice as much as possible for the remainder of the season and again next season.
All teams who registered for these youth events will be refunded.
Curl BC, Curling Canada and our other sport partners are already putting plans in motion for a return to a more normal season in 2021-22. Timmons, Ont., will host the 2022 Canadian U18 Boys and Girls Curling Championships from Feb. 14-20, 2022.
The location of the national U21 event, scheduled for Mar. 19-22, 2022, has not yet been announced.