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Technical Check Up Prescribed for all BC Curlers

September 26, 2023

Thanks to the transfer of knowledge provided by Curling Canada in August 2023, the following is a summary of 4 presentations provided to member associations at Curling Canada’s National Training and Development Centre in Edmonton that focused on Curling Delivery. This presentation is intended to summarize the Curling Canada delivery framework that has a goal of teaching a more consistent slide at all stages of the Long-Term Curler Development pathway. The goal of sharing this information with all curlers and coaches is to provide consistent language when learning the technical slide for all 4 phases of the delivery (set-up, drive, slide, release).  Our recommendation is for BC curlers to review this presentation, then bring out the checklist that we have provided to your initial training sessions this season, to see where your delivery is currently as in comparison to the reccomended best practices. If you have any questions about this summary or would like to receive additional resources for you, your team or your facility, please contact Will Sutton, Curl BC’s Long-Term Curler Development Manager at

Click Here for the 2023 Curl BC Summary of the Delivery

Click Here for the Curling Canada Delivery Technique information that provides a step by step guide and rationale for each step of the set-up, drive, slides and release delivery phases