Team Sato and Team Buchy win BC Juniors
The rocks have all been thrown and now the champions are known.
Team Sato and Team Buchy will represent BC at the 2020 New Holland Canadian Junior Curling Championships in Langley.
In women’s play, the game was a 10-end nail-biter that ended in Team Buchy’s favour. Kaila Buchy from Kimberley made an out-turn pick to sit for two on her last rock to clinch the 8-6 win over Royal City/Tunnel Town’s Team Taylor.
Kaila Buchy said: “It was like slow motion. The rock couldn’t get there quickly enough. But once it hit the hog line I sort of knew. We are so excited and so happy.”
Meanwhile in men’s play, a steal of four in the eighth end brought an abrupt finish to what had been a relatively close game between Team Sato and Team Tao. The score was 9-3 to Team Sato, who had been undefeated throughout the competition.
The Sato team, from Royal City Curling Club, will be playing as Team BC at nationals in Langley. Team Tao, from Richmond, Vancouver and Port Moody curling clubs, will also take part as the second team. A second spot opened up for BC after Nunavut did not field a junior men’s team.
All the Victoria championship results are available at The games were livestreamed on Curl BC TV.