Team Registration is now open for all 2022-23 Curl BC Competitive Events

Teams from across BC can take the first step in experiencing a BC Curling Championship by registering for one of Curl BC’s Competitive Category events that are scheduled for the upcoming 2022-23 season.
A team representative can register at our playdown event registration page . The team rep will need to login or sign up to Curling I/O then register and pay for your team registration.
Teams who register must refer to the Official Guide for Qualifier and BC Championships for further registration details including withdrawals, refunds and changes to rosters. This guide will be updated on August 1st, 2022 to include the competitor guide and team briefing that teams can use to prepare for 2022-23 competitive events. A link to this guide can be found below.
Once the registration has been completed, the representative will receive a confirmation email from Curling I/O Support with a subject line of “Order Submitted – Curling I/O”. This email will contain a link which must be forwarded onto the rest of your team, so EACH member can complete an up-to-date curler profile (players who have previously created a curler profile should not create a new one, and must use the same email as their original profile).