Registration Open for Women’s, Men’s and Junior BC Curling Tour’s

Registration is now open for the BC Curling Tour’s for the 2021-22 season through the below links.
If your team is competing on multiple tours, please register for both (i.e. Junior Women’s and Women’s).
Teams registering for the BC Men’s and Women’s Curling Tours must also register for the World Curling Team Ranking System and the Canadian Team Ranking System, so the BCCT can use those system’s for our points calculations.
Men’s World Team Rankings Registration
Women’s World Team Rankings Registration
Canadian Team Ranking System Page
The BCCT will communicate any releases, changes or amendments to the World Curling Team Ranking or Canadian Team Ranking System’s pior to the start of the 2021-22 season. The BCCT is commited to notifying all registered teams by email of these changes, additionally, a message will be released on the BC Curling Tour website and CurlBC’s social media channels.
The standards and best practices documents for 2021-22 must be followed and implemented by each event in order for their event to be sanctioned by the BC Curling Tour and Curl BC. Events must be sanctioned by Curl BC and the BCCT in order for them to be part of the qualification process for the 2022 BC Scotties, Presented by Best Western and the 2022 BC Men’s Championships.
Suggested changes to the standards and best practices are welcome throughout the season. All suggestions will be considered by the BC Curling Tour Committee in consulation with the event organizers.
All proposed changes must be received by August 1st, 2021, if they are to be considered for implementation prior to the start of the 2021‐22 season.
Proposed changes can be emailed to