Looking for support?

Curling centres across BC can access financial resources that will support them through the Covid-19 pandemic.
Some of the programs that were launched at the start of the pandemic have been adjusted to meet the current business needs of our communities.
Here is a review of some of those resources:
The Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy may get extended to June 2021. It is designed to ensure businesses can continue to pay their employees. You can get a base subsidy for each of your eligible employees. The amount you get per employee is based on your revenue drop. Visit https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/subsidy/emergency-wage-subsidy.html for more information.
The Canada Emergency Bank Account is now worth up to $60,000, up from the initial $40,000.
- You apply through your financial institution.
- 50% of the loan would be forgivable if repaid by Dec 31, 2022, so possible that applicants could access up to $30,000 that they won’t have to pay back.
- Can make loan repayments on principle amount anytime without any financial penalties; full repayment is due Dec 31, 2025, with repayment schedule online.
- Can be combined with CEWS.
- Can apply for additional $20,000 if already applied for, and approved for initial $40,000.
- https://ceba-cuec.ca/
Regional Relief and Recovery Fund information is available at https://www.wd-deo.gc.ca/eng/20059.asp.
- Secondary option if cannot qualify for CEBA.
- More complicated application process than CEBA.
- 3 regions for BC – Greater Victoria, Greater Vancouver, Rural.
- There is an online eligibility assessment.
The Province of British Columbia has created a Small + Medium size business recovery grant. Visit https://www.bcbusinessrecoverygrant.com/.
- Business must have employed between 2 – 149 BC residents, and show a drop in income since March 10, 2020.
- Must have had a positive cash flow before Covid-19.
- Must work with an identified professional as part of receiving the grant.
- Must have accessed other federal financial supports.