HP athletes hear from champs

High Performance athletes from BC are invited to a Multi-Sport Games Zoom presentation.
CurlManitoba will be hosting the presentation on Thursday, Jan. 28 for High Performance participants from Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and British Columbia.
The Zoom meeting will focus on provincially based Multi-Sport Games – such as the 2022 BC Winter Games, as well as the 2023 Canada Winter Games. Register in advance at https://mb.curling.io/en/products/4391-mult-sport-games.
We will be joined by two special guests: Two-time Manitoba Games gold medallist Matt Dunstone, and 2011 Canada Games bronze medallist Kyle Doering.
The Zoom meeting will be roughly one hour in length and cover what makes a Multi-Sport Games unique to any other competition and how to qualify for the 2022 BC Winter Games and the other province’s equivalent games. Dunstone’s and Doering’s experiences participating in a Multi-Sport Games will be a major theme. There will also be a Q & A period where the participants have the opportunity to ask our guest presenters anything they like about the sport of curling or Multi-Sport Games.
When: Thursday, Jan. 28, 2021
Time: 5:00 p.m. Pacific (7:00 p.m. CT)
Cost: No charge
To register, please click on the below link. Participants MUST register in advance to receive the Zoom link.