Curl BC’s Statement on Youth Sports Health Order

In an amendment to the proof of COVID-19 vaccination order which went into effect on September 13, 2021, The Provincial Health Officer (PHO) will now allow an exemption for youths 21 and younger, as well as their coaches.
It should be noted, however, that these are the minimum requirements in the PHO’s order. Some curling clubs may desire to enact more stringent rules, in order to provide an extra layer of safety for their players and patrons. Should individual clubs wish to take this route, Curl BC recommends obtaining legal advice to ensure that club policies are consistent with the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
Additionally, Curling Canada has confirmed that it will require proof of double vaccination, for all players and spectators, age 12 and older, to take part in Curling Canada-affiliated events. This means that unvaccinated BC youths will not be able to advance to the Canadian U21 championships, or other national events at this point.
Since one of the prime functions of Curl BC’s provincial championships is to provide athletes with a path to national events, as well as to Team Canada, this will preclude unvaccinated youths from competing in Curl BC provincial championships.
Even with the youth exemption, Curl BC recommends the use of vaccines for everyone 12 and older. There are severe health risks associated with COVID-19 and the Health Canada-approved vaccines have been found safe and effective in preventing severe COVID-19. Curl BC also recommends the use of masks, even when vaccinated and when not legally required, as there are multiple risks from new variants of the virus.
Additionally, Curl BC encourages self-monitoring for any symptoms of COVID-19 (including fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, and a new loss of taste or smell). If any of these symptoms should occur, please seek medical attention and avoid visiting curling facilities until the health situation is diagnosed and resolved.
While Curl BC wishes that none of these measures were necessary, we are fully aware of the realities of the worldwide pandemic. No one wants to lose another season of curling; with diligence and attention to PHO orders it is our intent to establish and keep the 2021-22 season as normal as possible.
The proof of vaccination order went into effect September 13, 2021, requiring that players and coaches who do not qualify for the youth sport exemption will need to show proof of at least one COVID-19 vaccination to enter BC’s curling clubs, with full immunization required by October 24, 2021.