Coronavirus update

Curl BC will continue to adhere to guidance from the provincial and local health authorities and the federal government as it pertains to precautions to stop the spread of Coronavirus (covid19). As of today (Mar. 10) guidance is that the risk of the virus spreading remains low. Should that change, we will carefully review our remaining championship events (U18s, Club Challenge and Mixed) to determine if postponement is the best course of action.
Although authorities in Canada are not recommending any specific measures for travel or participation in sporting events or training, people are being urged to stay at home if they are feeling unwell with symptoms of a cold or flu. People are also urged to regularly wash their hands with soap and water and facility operators are asked to wipe down frequently touched surfaces such as door handles and rock handles with sanitizer.
Curl BC is also recommending that curlers swap handshakes for gloved fist bumps or elbow taps.
If you have any questions please contact Rebecca Connop Price at or Scott Braley at