Candidates named

Two candidates have put their names forward to the Curl BC board for the two Governor at Large positions that will need to be filled at the Curl BC AGM on June 12.
The nominated candidates include Keith Switzer of Vancouver, one of the current Curl BC Vice Chairs who is standing for re-election, and Andrew Benson of Cranbrook.
Switzer is a keen competitive curler and former BC Mixed champion. He is retired from his career with BC Hydro and curls at Vancouver Curling Club.
Benson is a Data Specialist who works for Canada Energy Regulator. He is also a competitive curler from Cranbrook Curling Club who honed his skills at Calgary Curling Club.
If your club would like to nominate someone for election there is still time to do so.
Nominations of candidates can be sent in writing to the nomination committee comprised of Curl BC Chair Teri Palynchuk and Past Chair Peter Muir. The nominations must be signed by at least three voting member facilities. Such nominations must be accompanied by the written consent of the nominee(s) and delivered to the society at least 30 days prior to the annual general meeting. The deadline for these nominations is therefore May 13. The Board will ensure that both Board-recommended and member-recommended candidates are submitted to the membership for vote at the Curl BC AGM on June 12.
If you are interested in learning more about the role please visit the Board and Governance section of the Curl BC website and check out the Candidate Information Package.
Please email nominations to