Curl BC Curl BC

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Anti-Doping Information

Sport is about competing and performing to the best of your ability—the pursuit of human and sporting excellence. Taking prohibited substances or using prohibited methods is cheating, and can be very damaging to an athlete’s health. Doping undermines the fundamental spirit of sport and severely damages the integrity, image, and value of sport.

The CCES (Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport) or WCF (World Curling Federation) can test any competitive curler at ANY EVENT without prior warning. Check your medications to ensure that they are not banned.

There is a free CCES Online Education course at At the completion of the course you can print a certificate for proof of completion.

For general details about anti-doping please refer to the CCES website.

Access resources through True Sport

Another resources is Clean Sport

If you have any questions or concerns about the program contact Curl BC Coach Development Coordinator Karen Watson.