2023 BC Mixed Doubles Championship rolls into Kamloops this week

The 2023 BC Mixed Doubles Championship begins this week at the McArthur Island Curling Club, and the excitement’s already building for this exciting and quickly paced event.
In all, 20 teams will battle it out over 17 draws, with the winners representing British Columbia at the Canadian Mixed Doubles Championship in Sudbury, Ontario next month.
The games will see with co-ed two-person rinks playing 8-end games. Each Team will throw five stones per end—with one team member throwing the first and fifth stones, and the other throwing stones two through four.
Much gratitude is due to the event’s host committee, led by Michael Galesloot, and all their hard work in making this championship a success.
Many thanks also go to chief ice technician/facility manager Andrew McDiarmid and his talented crew, who have prepared a superlative playing surface; chief umpire Ted Anderson and deputy chief umpire Luci Tremblay; and Kathy Arnold, who organized all the live scoring and live streaming volunteers.
And, of course, mounting an event like this would be impossible without the support of The City of Kamloops, the Government of British Columbia, and our partners at viaSport for their ongoing support through the Hosting BC program.
The Mixed Doubles teams competing in Kamloops are as follows. Good luck and good curling to all!
Sarah Wark/Andrew Nerpin – Kelowna
Marijke McDonald/Calder Fadden – Victoria/Kamloops
Diane Gushulak/Patrick Prade – Vancouver
Courtney Woo/Daniel Wenzek – Royal City
Hannah Durrant/Zane Bartlett – Victoria
Shawna Jensen/Daniel Deng – Richmond/Royal City
Karly King Simpson/Connar Croteau – Comox/Victoria
Jaelyn Cotter/Jim Cotter – Vernon
Sarah Loken/Cody Tanaka – Richmond/Peace Arch
Ashley Dezura/Grant Dezura – Golden Ears
Alyssa Kyllo/Chad Kyllo – Vernon
Kayla Wilson/Troy Cowan – Victoria/Duncan
Elizabeth Bowles/Brayden Carpenter – Victoria/Royal City
Angie Bennett/Chris Beatty – McArthur Island
Shannon Ward/Robbie Gallaugher – Royal City
Kaelen Coles-Lyster/Christian Klein – Golden Ears/Parksville
Steph Jackson-Baier/Cam de Jong – Victoria
Maya Belway/Cam Weir – Salmon Arm
Logan Miron/Megan McGillivray – Victoria
Taylor Reese-Hansen/Corey Chester – Victoria Curling Club